
Rifqi Maulana

CS Student / Fullstack Developer / Photographer / Videographer

Yogyakarta, Indonesia
available for new projects

who am i?

I'm an undergraduate Computer Science student based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, where I excel in problem-solving, critical thinking, and adaptability in navigating new environments and processes. Alongside my studies, I freelance in web and mobile development, applying my skills and creativity to create innovative solutions.

In addition to my tech work, I have a passion for photography and videography, which I pursue as a hobby and a way to generate income. This creative outlet enhances my ability to tell compelling stories through digital media. I am dedicated to delivering high-quality content that resonates with audiences while focusing on my core expertise in computer science.

still 'who am i?' but cli-based

card-flex by @depapp
$ npx rfqma

interested in working with me?

reach me through my socials[email protected]GitHubLinkedInInstagramPexelsYouTube


quick summary of my most recent experiences
  1. PT. Pertamina EP Cepu

    Software Engineer

  2. Oetama Solutions

    Fullstack Developer

  3. PT. Angkasa Pura I, Yogyakarta International Airport

    Airport Quality Management Intern Staff

  4. Techave.dev

    Front-End Developer

  5. Mora Studio

    Photographer & Videographer


tools or technologies i've been working with